Electricity from Solar Power is Getting Cheaper, Despite Recent Tariffs
Back in January of 2018, the United States imposed import taxes of up to 30% on solar energy equipment imported into the country. Many feared that the tariffs would put the brakes on the explosive growth of solar power in the US. Unfortunately, the industry did experience setbacks. The Solar Energy Industries Association estimated that […]
Roseville Solar 2.0 is Reducing Solar Electricity Buyback Rates
Over the past few years, with more than $10 million in rebates, Roseville Electric Utility has subsidized the installation of hundreds of residential rooftop solar power systems. Currently, more than 6% of Roseville residents own solar energy systems, and are enjoying significantly reduced or even zeroed-out energy bills. But, impending changes to how homeowners are […]
How Fast is Solar Power Technology Getting Cheaper? Should You Wait to Buy?
Our installers and product specialists are often asked by customers, “Why should I buy solar now, and not wait for better technology? Won’t next year’s solar panels be better than what you have now?” This question is based upon the assumption that, much as this year’s iPhone is faster and has more features than last […]
Solar Power System Financing Options
Residential and commercial solar power systems offer significant financial benefits, especially in the face of rising time-of-use electricity rates. Many system owners see savings of 75% or more on their electricity bills. In order to see those savings, you must first invest in a solar energy system for your home. Thankfully, there are many low-cost […]
Time-of-Use Pricing, and Why It’s Going to Raise Your Electricity Bill
Going back decades, energy bills have been incredibly simple to calculate. Take the amount of electricity you use, multiply that by the current price per kilowatt-hour (kWH), tack on some miscellaneous fees and taxes, and that’s it. But in recent years, energy companies like PG&E have been pushing to change how we pay for electricity. […]